An old problem that we hadn’t seen for a long time resurfaced on a couple of course sites last week and – as it is the season for NILE site preparation – may come back to haunt lecturers.
When re-organising your menu on the left of the site, menu items (including dividers and subheadings) begin to refuse to stay where they have been moved to. The symptoms are sometimes not immediately obvious if only one menu item is changed, but as soon as the screen is refreshed the problem is clear.
It appears that the Blackboard system can end up with duplicate identifying numbers for menu items when items have been moved around and this can’t be corrected using the drag and drop editor.
The solution is right in front of our eyes, but rarely used. There is an ‘up/down arrow’ icon at the top of the menu when in edit mode – this is the accessible method of re-ordering items. Select the item you want to move and use the arrows to position it. If you alter the ‘bad’ items, this appears to fix the identifying number duplication so you may be able to revert to drag and drop once you’ve used this tool.
The latest roundup of LearnTech news is now available
LearnTech are actively managing the space allocated to us by Blackboard for the NILE system to avoid any unnecessary subscription charges. As we have material on the system which dates back several years, we have archived sites that are no longer being actively used. The sites chosen to archived have creation dates prior to 1st April 2010.
There may be files that tutors and staff still wish to retain or sites that are still in use, so a list of courses concerned are linked to the bottom of this post. The file should open with Acrobat reader, which is installed on all PCs. You should should use ‘Ctrl-F’ and search for your course ID (e.g. 3DD1047)
We would like to emphasize that we are archiving, not deleting, so sites and files can be recovered at a later date if necessary. Any sites which were requested to be exempted from the process in 2013 will be unaffected – instructors on these sites will be asked to review them again in 2015 for possible inclusion in next year’s archiving process.
Instructor / Course list for sites scheduled for archiving:
In this case study, Louise Atkinson, Research Teaching Assistant in NBS, discusses how she has developed a NILE Organisation for her personal tutees for consistent non-academic communication. Using it as a pilot during academic session 13-14, she further shares how she would like to develop this approach and use it with other staff within her School.
Between Saturday 16th August 4:30pm BST and Sunday 17th August 4:30am BST , NILE will be upgraded to the latest version.
Northampton is currently on Blackboard 9.1 service pack 13 and will be upgraded to the April 2014 release. This version jumps two releases above our current point. (SP14 and April 2014 releases). You can see the new features which will be added as part of the SP14 upgrade and the April 2014 upgrade. All users of NILE should ensure that browsers are updated to keep within the supported levels.
Whilst during the academic year security fixes are applied, annually we need to ensure that NILE is at the most stable version with the latest features to benefit staff and students. Our hosting contract provides us with at least 99.9% availability for NILE 365 days a year providing we ensure that we maintain our version.
The new version contains new functionality which will be of use to staff and students and ensure that NILE is maintained as an advanced virtual learning environment to maximise the student experience.
Please contact if there are any comments or questions around the upgrade process.
The latest roundup of LearnTech news is now available
As part of building on previous NILE quality discussions, the schematic below represents the current proposal for quality standards. Rather than gold, silver and bronze, there are two main levels – foundation at the most basic level and then collaboration / participation above this.
All campus-based programmes should be at the foundation level, based on the standard NILE templates.
Each programme designed for blended learning must reach the ‘participation’ threshold. Each programme designed for pure online learning must reach the ‘collaboration’ standards.
Please note that further guidance is currently being developed to support each of the standard levels. This information is being presented to provide extra context to the current LearnTech training sessions.
All sessions have now been mapped to the UK Professional Skills Framework as attendees may include these as evidence for Fellowship applications or ongoing professional development. The NILE Suite has been used to group related sessions together. Where relevant the events have also been mapped to the developing quality standards for NILE sites.
The list below represents the scheduled sessions however they can be run as a bespoke session for three or more staff at any mutually convenient time.
Menu of sessions available:
- [NEW] Enhancing NILE content using Xerte
- [NEW] Virtual Classrooms using WizIQ
- [NEW] Enhancing NILE with media for asynchronous learners
- [NEW] NILE – Grade Everything (Managing multiple elements in assessment. Marking presentations / live performances)
- [NEW] The App Cafe
- SaGE Essentials
- Adding value to your SaGE experiences
- SaGE – Providing quality feedback using rubrics
- Managing Groups (and group assignments)
- NILE Essentials – Making the most of your NILE site
- NILE – Encouraging collaboration and NILE interaction using Blogs, Discussion Boards, Journals and Wikis
- NILE – Developing formative assessments in NILE
- Making best use of smartboards
- Increasing in class session interaction using the voting handsets
Sessions with dates in July and August
SaGE Essentials
(Link to the UK PSF – A3, K4)
NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment
This essential session is for both staff who are new to the Submission and Grading Electronically (SaGE) Project and those who need a refresher on the current process. The event will cover the SaGE workflow including marking in Turnitin; passing grades to the NILE grade centre; downloading grades to send to the SATs; and working with the External Examiner. (12 places).
Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Foundation Quality Standard for NILE sites.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the SaGE workflow
- Able to grade work
Date (s) | Time |
01/05/2014 | 2-4 |
08/05/2014 | 10-12 |
15/05/2014 | 10-12 |
28/05/2014 | 2-4 |
16/06/2014 | 2-4 |
03/07/2014 | 2-4 |
11/08/2014 | 2-4 |
28/08/2014 | 10-12 |
Register on:
The App Cafe
(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V2)
NILE Suite Alignment: Content / Collaboration
With more and more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, The App Cafe provides an opportunity to look at the implications of mobile devices and apps in HE and how we can better use them in learning and teaching.
We want to hear from you. This is a participative ‘by you, for you’ event with an opportunity each month to share the apps you already use in the classroom with fellow staff across all disciplines.
With take-aways like ‘Your 5-a-month’ (top apps for learning and teaching), coffee and even cake, this is one lunchtime event in LLS you shouldn’t miss.
First Monday of every month (excluding bank holidays)
Date (s) | Time |
2/6/14 | 1-2 |
7/7/14 | 1-2 |
4/8/14 | 1-2 |
Register on:
Events run prior to July
Enhancing NILE content using Xerte
(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V2)
Xerte is a great alternative to PowerPoint or Word to enhance basic content in your NILE sites
Xerte can provide rich information and interaction for learners at all levels. You can have a look at an example of material produced in Xerte at:
(12 places).
Learning Outcomes:
- Ability to confidently use Xerte
Date (s) | Time |
28/5/14 | 10-12 |
Virtual Classrooms using WizIQ
(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V2)
NILE Suite Alignment: Collaboration
WizIQ is an online learning platform / classroom fully integrated into NILE. The rooms are designed to provide an online virtual classroom learning environment to supplement synchronous online activity. (12 places).
Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Collaboration Quality Standard for NILE sites.
Learning Outcomes:
- Ability to confidently use WizIQ
Date (s) | Time |
17/6/14 | 2-4 |
Adding value to your SaGE experiences
(Link to the UK PSF – A3, K4, K5)
NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment
Available for staff who already have SaGE experience but would like to attend a small group session to review their current processes and make sure that the most up to date processes and recommendations are being used. The session may look at aspects of the full SaGE workflow (including grades to SATs, Smart Views for the External and external moderation).
(Limited to 4 places)
Learning outcomes:
- Greater understanding of the SaGE process
Date (s) | Time |
8/5/14 | 2:30-4:30 |
Increasing in class session interaction using the voting handsets
(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V2)
NILE Suite Alignment: Content / Collaboration
Many opportunities now exist to increase the amount of student interaction within traditional lectures. Voting handsets may be used to increase the amount of feedback students provide within sessions. This event will provide practical experience on using these tools. (12 places).
Learning Outcomes:
- Ability to confidently use the voting handsets
Date (s) | Time |
6/6/14 | 2-4 |
SaGE – Providing quality feedback using rubrics
(Link to the UK PSF – A3, K4, V2)
NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment
A dedicated session for those who have already attended the SaGE Essentials session and are confident with the basic SaGE workflow. The event will focus on both Turnitin and NILE rubrics. Rubrics are useful for various styles of marking and can be used for qualitative and quantitative feedback. (12 places).
Learning outcomes:
- Able to setup and use rubrics
Date (s) | Time |
5/6/14 | 2-4 |
Managing Groups (and group assignments)
(Link to the UK PSF – A3, K4, V1)
NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment / Collaboration
Regardless of the size of the cohort, the ability to manage groups is an important part of using NILE. Groups allow focused activity, assessment and communication which will enhance student engagement. In addition to learning about the setup and management of groups you will also focus on the NILE assignment submission area which may be used as an alternative to Turnitin submissions. (12 places).
Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Collaboration Quality Standard for NILE sites.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand how to setup and organise groups
- Appreciate the range of functionality with groups
- Understand how the NILE assignment submission area may be used with groups
Date (s) | Time |
13/5/14 | 2-4 |
NILE Essentials – Making the most of your NILE site
(Link to the UK PSF – A4, K4, V2)
NILE Suite Alignment: Content / Management
This session will introduce the NILE sites which are being used for all module and course areas. Find out the Top Ten most common mistakes with existing NILE sites and how to avoid them to improve the student experience. Attendees will develop confidence with working in their NILE area to add new and exciting content. (12 places).
Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Foundation Quality Standard for NILE sites.
Learning Outcomes:
- Appreciate the range of NILE sites and comon student problems with finding content
- Reflect on your own NILE site based on areas for improvement
- Understand the range of tools to enhance NILE sites
Date (s) | Time |
10/6/14 | 2-4 |
NILE – Encouraging collaboration and NILE interaction using Blogs, Discussion Boards, Journals and Wikis
(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V1)
NILE Suite Alignment: Collaboration
This session will allow participants to explore the Blogs, Journals, Discussion Boards and Wikis tools inside NILE which encourage greater collaboration. (12 places).
Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Collaboration Quality Standard for NILE sites.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the range of tools available to enhance collaboration within NILE sites
Date (s) | Time |
1/5/14 | 10-12 |
NILE – Developing formative assessments in NILE
(Link to the UK PSF – A3, K4)
NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment
Formative assessment may be used by students to better track their progress and understanding. It may also be used by tutors to ensure that students are engaging and understanding the course material. This session will explore the test, survey and question pool tools within NILE. There is a range of functionality which provides the option of auto marked formative (and summative assessment) with question choices like multiple choice and fill in the blanks. These tools may be used with features such as adaptive release and the performance dashboard to allow greater student interaction with content and a higher level of tutor understanding of student engagement. (12 places).
Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Participation Quality Standard for NILE sites.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understanding of the range and value of formative assessment
- Appreciate the tools which may be used within formative assessment
- Ability to implement range of appropriate tools within their own course
Date (s) | Time |
23/6/14 | 2-4 |
NILE – Grade Everything (Managing multiple elements in assessment. Marking presentations / live performances)
(Link to the UK PSF – K4, K5)
NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment
This session will explore the NILE Grade Centre where all grades created by students within NILE are held and managed. In addition to being the link between NILE and the Student Record System, this tool allows you to manage the student view of grades, collate grades between assignments (SmartViews) and manage grades and feedback on physical artifacts and performances/presentations. (12 places).
Learning Outcomes:
- Appreciate the functionality available within the Grade Centre
- Understand how the Grade Centre may be used with performances/presentations.
Date (s) | Time |
15/5/14 | 2-4 |
[NEW] Enhancing NILE with media for asynchronous learners (3 hours)
(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, K4)
During this session you will be able to bring along your own ideas for small videos and produce these during the session. Following a short introduction to a range of tools this practical session will encourage you to use these to create material which may be used within existing and planned courses. (12 places).
You will be able to use material which you create within this session within Welcome Sites for new students.
Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Foundation and Participation Quality Standard for NILE sites.
Learning Outcomes:
- Appreciate the range of tools for asynchronous learners
- Ability to implement tools within their own NILE site.
Date (s) | Time |
12/5/14 | 1:30-4:30 |
Making best use of smartboards
(Link to the UK PSF – A2,K2,K4)
Many opportunities now exist to increase the amount of student interaction within traditional lectures. Smartboards are located in many of the teaching spaces but are often only used to display PowerPoints. This event will introduce the range of tools which allow the Smartboard to ‘come alive’. This event will provide practical experience on using these tools. (12 places).
Learning Outcomes:
- Ability to confidently use the Smartboard
Date (s) | Time |
19/6/14 | 10-12 |
All of the sessions above and a number of other sessions listed below are also available on request for bespoke events (such as for Subject group training). Please contact your Learning Technologist or mail for details on arranging these.
Have you ever wanted to do something in NILE, but been unsure which tool to use or how to do it? If so, then this breakdown of the core technologies that comprise NILE may be of help!
The core NILE functionality has been broken down into five main categories:
- content
- collaboration
- assessment
- information
- management
Depending on the task in hand, have a look at the appropriate column and see which tools and applications may be relevant. Each category is mapped to the UKPSF to assist tutors in the process of submitting an HEA Fellowship application.
Sources of Help: There are three main ways in which tutors can get help with using these tools:
- Attend the ‘official’ LearnTech training sessions
- Access our detailed help guides and resources via the NEW Help tab in NILE
- Contact your dedicated school Learning Technologist for 1:1 support.
We hope you find this useful. If you think anything is missing, please let us know:
The Learning Technology team have had numerous requests for a way to send an announcement out to more than one site at the same time. We have acted on this feedback and have made a tool available to you which enables the management of announcements. There are a couple of added bonuses too! You can also send an email to multiple sites, and make your sites available to students – without having to go into each site individually!
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