Richard presented on his experiences of Using the iPad in the teaching of Journalism at The University of Northampton’s Technology Enhanced Learning Showcase 7/7/11. The event used Twitter hashtag #TELUoN.
This session demonstrated a number of apps for the iPad that will allow the delivery of lectures, support in broadcast subjects and portable access to your desk top. The session also illustrated some of the new ways of delivering the news.
Xerte may be used as a tool to create interactive content and material which may be used within NILE / Blackboard or just on general webpages. Angela presented on her experiences in using this tool for international students at The University of Northampton’s Technology Enhanced Learning Showcase 7/7/11. The event used Twitter hashtag #TELUoN
The use of Xerte is currently being piloted for more general use at The University of Northampton. Further information regarding this and training sessions will be available in October.
16th June (Association for Learning)
A day of presentation from institutions sharing their experiences in trialling and rolling out Lecture Capture projects. Invaluable lessons learnt and offers of shared best practice from high profile Universities:
- JISC funded project “ELTAC” – Support for Lecture Capture
- Legal Issues (plus general lecture capture support) – material made available from University of Sheffield
- Example of an Institute that has embraced lecture capture (their aim is to make science available to others especially developing countries) This institute uses a freely available webcast technology running on Linux Ubuntu – further details from web site –
- ViTAL – Video in Education
- Media Enhanced Learning (MELSIG)
Contact Rob Davis – Learning Technologist for more details (01604 893531
Join the Learning Technology Team on the 7th July for a showcase event where staff will be talking about their experiences with using technology in their teaching.
Sign up at:
To be held in Maastricht, the Netherlands on the 2nd. 3rd & 4th April 2012.
NOTE: Full papers must be submitted for peer review by Monday 3rd October, 2011.
Further details at:
This conference is considered a major event in the international ‘technology enhanced learning’ conference circuit, and provides a friendly, collegiate context for meeting researchers and practitioners in networked learning.
All submissions are peer reviewed, and accepted papers published in conference proceedings
Invited Speakers: Terry Anderson, Tara Fenwick & Judi Marshall
PRE-CONFERENCE ONLINE COMMUNITY AND ONLINE SEMINARS: please visit the conference website for further details
Full Conference Details can be found at:
The ELESIG group is the Evaluation of Learners’ Experiences of e-learning Special Interest Group and is supported by the Higher Education Academy. ELESIG is an international community of researchers and practitioners from higher and further education who are involved in investigations of learners’ experiences and uses of technology in learning. ELESIG members work together to share knowledge and practice and develop a shared repertoire of resources which will be of benefit to the community and the sector ( Originally started as part of the small grants scheme the group is now self supporting as a regional group and continues to be coordinated by Dr. Gemma Towle and Mr. Rob Howe from The University of Northampton.
There has already been several regional meetings held during 2010 as well as a NING site and Twitter Feeds for regular updates. This meeting will take place at The University of Northampton on Thursday 19th May 2011 from 10am till 3pm. (Further details will be sent nearer to this date).
Places are limited and the closing date for the booking form will be Thursday 12th May.
Whilst the event is free, a charge may be raised for booked places which are not used. Lunch is not included so feel free to bring your own or there are facilities to purchase lunch on the campus. Tea and coffee is provided though!
eLearning in Health Conference
27 – 28 June 2011
Conference themes
The conference themes are:
- Enhancing assessment and feedback through technology
- Using technology to improve collaboration across the Education and Health Sectors; including mobile learning in practice
- Innovative tools and technologies to support learning
- Releasing, sharing, and using openly accessible online teaching materials (OER)
- Using technology to enhance pedagogic quality whilst maintaining cost efficiencies
- Using technology to enhance digital inclusion and promote widening participation
- Using technology to support those with learning difficulties
- The role of technology in education for sustainable development
Developing Digital Literacies: A series of national workshops on developing learners and learning organisations for the 21st Century
A series of free workshops from the JISC e-Learning Programme on developing digital literacies will take place during May – October 2011.
The workshops will be held on:
26 May 2011, Goodenough College in London (in partnership with RSC London and RSC Eastern)
23 June, Maple House in Birmingham
22 September, The Studio in Manchester
6 October, The Bristol Hotel in Bristol
These workshops will offer the latest in organisational thinking and educational development around digital literacies. Participants will hear the outcomes of recent JISC-funded activity in this area and be given the chance to share their own experiences through structured activities. Proven resources in support of staff and curriculum development and institutional change will be available to download, adapt and use in participants’ own contexts of work.
The workshops will be suitable for:
Educational professionals with an interest in and responsibility for digital literacy. They may be located in:
e-learning teams; library/learning resource teams; educational or learning development; academic departments; careers/employability teams; outreach teams; other support services; quality; senior management.
The workshops will be facilitated by Helen Beetham (consultant) and author of JISC’s recent review of digital literacies and lead consultant on the Learning Literacies for a Digital Age1 (LliDA) project and Dr Rhona Sharpe or Dr Greg Benfield (Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, Oxford Brookes University) of the recent JISC Supporting Learners in a Digital Age2 (SLiDA) study.
Further information together with the registration forms for the workshops, is now available from
Julie Usher, Adel Gordon, Kardi Somerfield and Rob Howe attended the Blackboard Learning and Teaching Conference in Leeds (11-13 April 2011) and managed a hat trick of presentations along with Julie coordinating the first informal meeting of the Learning Objects Usergroup.
Twitter was actively used during the three days and you can review the stream of conversations.
The Northampton presentations covered:
Putting the TIGER into the Blackboard tank (Rob Howe) – a review of how the TIGER project is putting Open Educational Resources into the Blackboard environment.
Sticky Content: Creating Blackboard sites that keep students coming back for more (Kardi Somerfield and Rob Howe) – a report of Kardi’s URB@N project on creating engaging NILE modules and how this is influencing Northampton’s strategic direction.
Lecture capture using Panopto at The University of Northampton (Adel Gordon and Rob Howe) – a review of the first 9 months of implementing video capture using the Panopto tool.
As normal the networking was invaluable as colleagues from other institutions shared experiences and we were able to talk direct to suppliers. Looking forward to next year’s event in Antwerp !
This guide is based on discussion and contributions by the E-learning and the First Year Student Experience (ELFYSE) special interest group (SIG).
Bringing together the areas of e-learning and student transition, retention and progression, this guide draws on both theory and practice to provide recommendations for and guidance to both academic and support staff on using learning technologies to support the first-year student experience. It is designed to help you think about ways of approaching and incorporating the use of learning technologies to support and enhance your students’ first-year experience.
Our own Learning Technologist, Julie Usher has contributed to two of the articles which have been included:
“Addressing issues of plagiarism in the first year” and “Easing cultural transition through peer-to-peer interactions”
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