Currently viewing the category: "LearnTech News"

Data Visualisation has become an important aspect of our lives and the ability to present data in interesting ways has always had a role in teaching and learning. On behalf of Tableau Software, Andy Kirk recently presented a fascinating overview of the challenges of Art vs Science in data presentation.

The overall message is that the nature of the visualisation needs to be appropriate for its intent – is this exploring or explaining, thinking or feeling? So, for example, is a filter needed to explore the content or is a bold graphical statement required? 

Andy refers to his excellent web site during the presentation – the ‘resources‘ section contains a massive selection of applications that could be used, including a ‘Web’ section where most of the free online tools can be found. We have already experimented with some of these – Tableau Public and Infogram, for example – but there are many promising new ones such as Numberpicture that we hope to review as they become more polished. The ability to link to live data feeds as well as static data opens up a wide range of possibilities.

The video is a little long – around 50 minutes – and the sound is quite poor (it was a webcast after all), but is highly recommended for anyone considering creating infographics or visualisations themselves or asking students to submit assignments in this format.

Click here to launch the video      (slides from the presentation – large file! 85mb)

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We are pleased to announce the release of the new version of iNorthampton, currently available in the App and Play Stores.

This release has addressed some of the feedback that we received about the app from staff and students, as well as it being built on a new development platform behind the scenes.

For those that have noticed that the old version hasn’t been updated for a while, this is the reason why – we’ve had to build it from scratch and re-visit the ways in which the data is pulled in from various institutional systems, which took much longer than anticipated.

So, the functionality remains similar to the previous version but with lots of new content. There are new Videos and Photos and updated locations and details in Maps like opening times and descriptions of shops and eateries on campus. As well as a new map of Northampton which contains points of local amenities like pharmacies and nightlife. Don’t forget that you can still use Augmented Reality on iPhone within the campus Maps.

We have added the Tours feature, which will take you around both campuses allowing you to move around areas and buildings.

We are still working on the dedicated iPad version, which will make more use of the larger screen size of the iPad to give users a more scaled experience of the app and its features. We hope to go live with this over the next few months. In the meantime if you want to get iNorthampton on your iPad you can download the iPhone version by searching the App Store and choosing to search for iPhone rather than iPad apps.

We now plan to move forward with developing more features and functionality within the app. The library tool was the most requested feature for improvements, and the Library and Learning Services department are currently reviewing the Library Management System. The ability to renew books and check their account on mobile will be included in the new system and we will hopefully be able to make that available through iNorthampton.

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We have collated the most common questions and answers below:

1) I can’t login to NILE
Please see details on the University Login page
Please first try to reset or generate a new password.
If your password has expired, you will still be able to log in to the user portal to reset this yourself.
If you have forgotten your password, please click on the above link and select ‘Forgot Password’.
If you continue to have log-in problems, please contact IT Services. You will need to have your student number to hand.
Phone: 01604 893333 (Monday to Friday 08:00 – 17:30)
Visit: Grendon Building, Park Campus (Monday to Friday 08:00 – 17:30)

2) I can login to NILE but cannot see my modules
In order to see the modules listed in the site box in NILE:
· You should have completed the enrolment process. Active enrolments are added to NILE every 20 minutes.
· You should be correctly enrolled on the module on the student record system. Contact your Student Administration Team  to check enrolment details
· Your tutor needs to have made the module live on NILE.

3) I have modules listed but they are not the correct ones or some of my personal details are incorrect (e.g. name / email address).
Contact your Student Administration Team  to check enrolment / personal details.

4) I cannot see my University timetable.
Your timetable should appear 48 hours after you have enrolled. If you have a timetabling query then email

5) I have a problem with my laptop – in what ways can IT assist me?
IT will help you with installation of programs that are supporting your programme of study.
IT Services are more positioned to provide an overview and high level guidance on how to use standard office programmes however IT Services do not offer a formalised training programme to students. Please refer to free training advice and support.
IT Services will assist with any aspect of getting antivirus working on your machine or assistance with removing virus / malware or restoration to factory settings.

6) How and where do I print?

After enrolment it can take up to 24 hours for you to be emailed your University PIN which is required for printing and to access their library account.

  • Using your student ID and PIN, you can credit up their student printing accounts at the machines in the library
  • From computers in the library, print jobs are sent to all library photocopier printers
  • To release a print job or to access a photocopier, it is:
    • Student ID number (called PIN on the machines)
    • 4 digit University PIN to print (called password on the machines)

7) How do I find out details about my student email and link this to my mobile device
You can get details of your email address by going to the University search4email page and then enter your username and date of birth. Please refer to the guidance provided by Microsoft on linking this email to your mobile device.

8) I have heard that there is a free offer for Microsoft Office
To download Microsoft Office 365 please visit the dedicated Microsoft site and login using your University email address and password.

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pile of journals The latest roundup of LearnTech news is now available

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All sessions have now been mapped to the UK Professional Skills Framework as attendees may include these as evidence for Fellowship applications or ongoing professional development. The NILE Suite has been used to group related sessions together. Where relevant the events have also been mapped to the developing quality standards for NILE sites.

The list below represents the scheduled sessions however they can be run as a bespoke session for three or more staff at any mutually convenient time. All sessions will be run in the Park Library T-Pod (1st Floor) unless stated.

Menu of sessions available:

  • Enhancing NILE content using Xerte
  • Virtual Classrooms using WizIQ
  • Enhancing NILE with media for asynchronous learners
  • NILE – Grade Everything (Managing multiple elements in assessment. Marking presentations / live performances)
  • The App Cafe
  • SaGE Essentials
  • SaGE – Providing quality feedback using rubrics
  • Managing Groups (and group assignments)
  • NILE Essentials – Making the most of your NILE site
  • NILE – Encouraging collaboration and NILE interaction using Blogs, Discussion Boards, Journals and Wikis
  • NILE – Developing formative assessments in NILE
  • Making best use of smartboards
  • Increasing in class session interaction using the voting handsets

SaGE Essentials

(Link to the UK PSF – A3, K4)

NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment

This essential session is for both staff who are new to the Submission and Grading Electronically (SaGE) Project and those who need a refresher on the current process. The event will cover the SaGE workflow including marking in Turnitin; passing grades to the NILE grade centre; downloading grades to send to the SATs; and working with the External Examiner. (12 places).

Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Foundation Quality Standard for NILE sites.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the SaGE workflow
  • Able to grade work
Date (s) Time
20/10/14 2-4
21/10/14 2-4
22/10/14 10-12
23/10/14 2-4 (Note this is at Avenue)
24/10/14 2-4
5/11/14 2-4
10/11/14 2-4
20/11/14 10-12

Register on: for Park based sessions

Register on: for the 23rd October at Avenue Library (MG8a)


SaGE – Providing quality feedback using rubrics

(Link to the UK PSF – A3, K4, V2)

NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment

A dedicated session for those who have already attended the SaGE Essentials session and are confident with the basic SaGE workflow. The event will focus on both Turnitin and NILE rubrics. Rubrics are useful for various styles of marking and can be used for qualitative and quantitative feedback. (12 places).

Learning outcomes:

  • Able to setup and use rubrics
Date (s) Time
6/11/14 10-12

 Register on:

Managing Groups (and group assignments)

(Link to the UK PSF – A3, K4, V1)

NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment / Collaboration

Regardless of the size of the cohort, the ability to manage groups is an important part of using NILE. Groups allow focused activity, assessment and communication which will enhance student engagement. In addition to learning about the setup and management of groups you will also focus on the NILE assignment submission area which may be used as an alternative to Turnitin submissions. (12 places).

Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Collaboration Quality Standard for NILE sites.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand how to setup and organise groups
  • Appreciate the range of functionality with groups
  • Understand how the NILE assignment submission area may be used with groups
Date (s) Time
14/11/14 2-4

Register on:

NILE Essentials – Making the most of your NILE site

(Link to the UK PSF – A4, K4, V2)

NILE Suite Alignment: Content / Management

This session will introduce the NILE sites which are being used for all module and course areas. Find out the Top Ten most common mistakes with existing NILE sites and how to avoid them to improve the student experience. Attendees will develop confidence with working in their NILE area to add new and exciting content. (12 places).

Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Foundation Quality Standard for NILE sites.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Appreciate the range of NILE sites and comon student problems with finding content
  • Reflect on your own NILE site based on areas for improvement
  • Understand the range of tools to enhance NILE sites
Date (s) Time
16/10/14 2-4

Register on:

NILE – Encouraging collaboration and NILE interaction using Blogs, Discussion Boards, Journals and Wikis

(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V1)

NILE Suite Alignment: Collaboration

This session will allow participants to explore the Blogs, Journals, Discussion Boards and Wikis tools inside NILE which encourage greater collaboration. (12 places).

Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Collaboration Quality Standard for NILE sites.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the range of tools available to enhance collaboration within NILE sites
Date (s) Time
28/10/14 2-4

Register on:

NILE – Developing formative assessments in NILE

(Link to the UK PSF – A3, K4)

NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment

Formative assessment may be used by students to better track their progress and understanding. It may also be used by tutors to ensure that students are engaging and understanding the course material. This session will explore the test, survey and question pool tools within NILE. There is a range of functionality which provides the option of auto marked formative (and summative assessment) with question choices like multiple choice and fill in the blanks. These tools may be used with features such as adaptive release and the performance dashboard to allow greater student interaction with content and a higher level of tutor understanding of student engagement. (12 places).

Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Participation Quality Standard for NILE sites.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding of the range and value of formative assessment
  • Appreciate the tools which may be used within formative assessment
  • Ability to implement range of appropriate tools within their own course
Date (s) Time
17/11/14 2-4

Register on:

NILE – Grade Everything (Managing multiple elements in assessment. Marking presentations / live performances)

(Link to the UK PSF – K4, K5)

NILE Suite Alignment: Assessment

This session will explore the NILE Grade Centre where all grades created by students within NILE are held and managed. In addition to being the link between NILE and the Student Record System, this tool allows you to manage the student view of grades, collate grades between assignments (SmartViews) and manage grades and feedback on physical artifacts and performances/presentations. (12 places).

Learning Outcomes:

  • Appreciate the functionality available within the Grade Centre
  • Understand how the Grade Centre may be used with performances/presentations.
Date (s) Time
11/12/14 10-12

Register on:

Enhancing NILE with media for asynchronous learners

(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, K4)

NILE Suite Alignment: Content

During this session you will be able to bring along your own ideas for small videos and produce these during the session. Following a short introduction to a range of tools this practical session will encourage you to use these to create material which may be used within existing and planned courses. (12 places).

You will be able to use material which you create within this session within Welcome Sites for new students.

Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Foundation and Participation Quality Standard for NILE sites.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Appreciate the range of tools for asynchronous learners
  • Ability to implement tools within their own NILE site.
Date (s) Time
15/12/14 2-4

Register on:


The App Cafe

(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V2)

NILE Suite Alignment: Content / Collaboration

With more and more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, The App Cafe provides an opportunity to look at the implications of mobile devices and apps in HE and how we can better use them in learning and teaching.

We want to hear from you. This is a participative ‘by you, for you’ event with an opportunity each month to share the apps you already use in the classroom with fellow staff across all disciplines.

With take-aways like ‘Your 5-a-month’ (top apps for learning and teaching), coffee and even cake, this is one lunchtime event in LLS you shouldn’t miss.

First Monday of every month (excluding bank holidays)


Date (s) Time
6/10/14 1-2
3/11/14 1-2
1/12/14 1-2

Register on:


Enhancing NILE content using Xerte

(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V2)

NILE Suite Alignment: Content

Xerte is a great alternative to PowerPoint or Word to enhance basic content in your NILE sites

Xerte can provide rich information and interaction for learners at all levels. You can have a look at an example of material produced in Xerte at:

(12 places).

Learning Outcomes:

  • Ability to confidently use Xerte
Date (s) Time
12/12/14 2-4

Register on:

Virtual Classrooms using WizIQ

(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V2)

NILE Suite Alignment: Collaboration

WizIQ is an online learning platform / classroom fully integrated into NILE. The rooms are designed to provide an online virtual classroom learning environment to supplement synchronous online activity. (12 places).

Attendance at this session will assist engagement with the Collaboration Quality Standard for NILE sites.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Ability to confidently use WizIQ
Date (s) Time
4/11/14 2-4

Register on:

Making best use of smartboards

(Link to the UK PSF – A2,K2,K4)

NILE Suite Alignment: Content

Many opportunities now exist to increase the amount of student interaction within traditional lectures. Smartboards are located in many of the teaching spaces but are often only used to display PowerPoints. This event will introduce the range of tools which allow the Smartboard to ‘come alive’. This event will provide practical experience on using these tools. (12 places).

Learning Outcomes:

  • Ability to confidently use the Smartboard
Date (s) Time
18/11/14 2-4

Register on:

Increasing in class session interaction using the voting handsets

(Link to the UK PSF – A2, K2, V2)

NILE Suite Alignment: Content / Collaboration

Many opportunities now exist to increase the amount of student interaction within traditional lectures. Voting handsets may be used to increase the amount of feedback students provide within sessions. This event will provide practical experience on using these tools. (12 places).

Learning Outcomes:

  • Ability to confidently use the voting handsets
Date (s) Time
2/12/14 2-4

Register on:

All of the sessions above and a number of other sessions listed below are also available on request for bespoke events (such as for Subject group training). Please contact your Learning Technologist or mail for details on arranging these.


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On Tuesday 2nd September, 2014 at the Association of Learning Technology gala dinner, the Northampton LearnTech team won the award for “Team of the Year 2014”.

The Award’s overall purpose is to celebrate and reward excellent practice and outstanding achievement in the learning technology field and is open to individuals and teams based anywhere in the world.

LearnTech Team - July 2014

LearnTech Team - July 2014
Front row (l-r) Rachel Maxwell, Geraldine Murphy, Belinda Green, Rachel McCart. Middle row (l-r) Adel Gordon, Julie Usher, Iain Griffin, Al Holloway, Andy Stenhouse. Back row (l-r) Rob Farmer, Rob Howe, Simon Thompson. Kieran McGovern - not available for photo.

This award recognised the incredible work and progress made by the team over the past few years and the contribution which they have made to the environment within Northampton in addition to advancing the Learning Technology field more generally.
As part of the application process a group of key staff with in the University of Northampton had to talk about the impact which the team had made on their own particular area.

In addition, the team have also had to make a film about the work which they do:

In accepting the award, Rob Howe (Head of Learning Technology) stated that:

“Northampton’s Learning Technology Team is a major force for positive change within the University, its academic partners and the sector. Its institutional role far exceeds supporting colleagues in the use of learning technology: the team fulfils an enabling role, critical to capacity building and scaling up Northampton’s excellent provision. It collaborates with academics and course teams to identify pedagogic needs that appropriate learning technologies can help them address. Through such collaborations, the team embarks on transformational projects leading to innovative and successful experiences across different disciplines and modes of study, as well as research outputs. This is a great achievement not only for the LearnTech team and for Library and Learning Services, but also for the University as a whole.”

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LearnTech has a new resource to help instructors to find resources that exist outside NILE that would improve the student experience. The NILEX blog site contains reviews of external tools and examples of how they might be used. Each tool is tagged to make it easier to find when trying to meet a particular need: displaying maps; asynchronous communication; portfolios; curation; and many others. There is also a full text search facility. We hope that CAIeRO participants will find this a particularly useful resource when they are trying to translate their ideas into activities.

Each tool has been tested in relation to NILE and any integration issues are discussed, along with any registration requirement for staff or students. All the tools are free and licensed to use in education – applications with a ‘paid premium’ element are only included where the free version is of significant use.

For instructors interested in the integration of data and data services into their NILE sites (creating ‘mash-ups’ or data for infographics would be examples), a separate module – Data Services for Learners –  is included which explains some of the possibilities and includes ideas and examples.

We hope these ideas will help you create new and interesting  material that will engage students, as well as new ways for students to collect and present material. New ideas or tools that you think might be included would be very welcome, along with feedback on the content. As external tools often change in their nature and capabilities we do expect them to require updating.

You can subscribe to the content as an RSS feed for Feedly or Feedburner using the link below.

We have updated the service updates link on the NILE welcome page – if you have issues out of hours with NILE this should highlight any problems.

For entries containing the word ‘Link’, the check is a very basic one – does the URL respond with an ‘OK’ status? For all the others an attempt is made to read data from the provider’s service status and give a little more detail. As these vary and this application is new, errors are possible (likely!). There are links to the provider’s feed if this application fails.

If you have any more systems you’d like to be included in a link or better check, please let us know.

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NILE was upgraded over the weekend of 16th & 17th August to version 9.1 April 2014. This introduced several new features, the highlights of which are below:

Student Preview


NILE - Student Preview

Student Preview

The new Student Preview feature provides Tutors with the capability to see the course exactly how a student would by easily transitioning into and out of a new preview feature.

A new Student Preview button appears in the top right-hand corner of the breadcrumb bar next to the Course Themes and Edit Mode buttons, shaped like an eye.

While in Student Preview mode tutors can interact with the course as if they were a student, including taking quizzes/tests, submitting assignments, posting to forums, posting to blogs, etc.

Upon returning back to the Tutor view any results created while in the preview mode can be retained to allow you to see results– or deleted straight away.

Read more about the Student Preview


Groups Management


NILE - Groups Management

Groups Management

Creating groups within NILE, whether small or large, and managing them is now easier. You can choose the students you want to add to a group as well as distinguish among them by viewing their picture and Profile Card. Once a group is created, adding and removing members is just as easy.

Read more about Groups management


Grade Centre Smart Views


NILE: Grade Centre Smart Views

Grade Centre Smart Views

When you create a group, you can now simply click a button to create a Smart View in the Grade Centre that corresponds to that group. A Smart View is a focused look at the Grade Centre that is saved for continued use. You can also create and access a group’s Smart View directly from the “All Groups” management page.

Read more about Grade Centre Smart Views


My Grades


NILE - My Grades

My Grades

The My Grades area where students view their results and feedback has been updated with a new look.

  • The presentation of results can be organised – by last activity or due date.
  • The “All,” “Graded,” “Upcoming,” and “Submitted” filters allowing students to narrow down the number of rows they see
  • The text size and row spacing have been reduced so more information is displayed on the page
  • Feedback is included in-line, so students don’t need to click away to view it.


More information on all of the new features

Northampton was previously on Blackboard 9.1 service pack 13 and was upgraded to the April 2014 release. This version moved us two releases above our previous point. (SP14 and April 2014 releases). You can see all the new features which were added as part of the SP14 upgrade and the April 2014 upgrade.

All users of NILE should ensure that browsers are updated to keep within the supported levels.

We hope that you appreciate the new and improved functionality.

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An old problem that we hadn’t seen for a long time resurfaced on a couple of course sites last week and – as it is the season for NILE site preparation – may come back to haunt lecturers.

When re-organising your menu on the left of the site, menu items (including dividers and subheadings) begin to refuse to stay where they have been moved to. The symptoms are sometimes not immediately obvious if only one menu item is changed, but as soon as the screen is refreshed the problem is clear.


It appears that the Blackboard system can end up with duplicate identifying numbers for menu items when items have been moved around and this can’t be corrected using the drag and drop editor.

The solution is right in front of our eyes, but rarely used. There is an ‘up/down arrow’ icon at the top of the menu when in edit mode – this is the accessible method of re-ordering items. Select the item you want to move and use the arrows to position it. If you alter the ‘bad’ items, this appears to fix the identifying number duplication so you may be able to revert to drag and drop once you’ve used this tool.

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