In 2021, a small project was conducted to find out how students wanted to be communicated with (were there any tips and tricks that we were not already using?). The final list provided a few new ideas and have led to a broader discussion within Library and Learning Services about the way in which we communicate to all our stakeholders:

  • Chalk boards in walkways (being used by Waterside Campus restaurant in walkways) 
  • Paper handouts on tables (used sometimes in food areas) 
  • Rollup banner 
  • Digital screens 
  • Email  
  • Social Media (noted that F/book popularity decreasing) but Instagram could be useful 
  • MyNorthampton / local app – it was asked if can it do notifications? 
  • NILE / VLE homepage 

 The group noted that we should use more of: 

  • Targeted messages (perhaps by subject area) 
  • Memes 
  • Put up main survey results on screen and what we are doing about them 
  • Have a competition which encourages user generated content 
  • Short tips 
  • Quick videos (under 3 mins….ideally much less) 

 They suggested that messages could use: 

  • Capital letters 
  • Note when services are FREE 
  • Bold text 
  • Text which is short and focused 
  • Text which quickly highlights the benefits and opportunities of the message 

It was noted that senders should be cautious of jokes / cartoons  – the message needs to apply to all and not offend audiences. 

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