Currently viewing the tag: "Chatbots"

In this short film, Dr Mu Mu, Programme Leader for the AI and Data Science course, and students discuss a new project that aims to improve student access to information through the development of a new AI chatbot. 

Dr Mu Mu explains that students often have common questions about their schedules, deadlines, and accommodation. To address these needs, second-year students are tasked with creating an AI chatbot. Three BSc Artificial Intelligence & Data Science students share insights into the development process. 

Dr Mu Mu emphasises the broader learning outcomes: “It’s not only about the technical challenges, but also thinking about ethics, legal issues, and how to make the chatbot more personalised.” 

The practical experience gained from this project has led the students gaining successful placements and internships in prestigious UK organisations. This project exemplifies how our programme not only equips students with technical expertise but also prepares them to navigate and address real-world challenges.

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Picture of Bo - the chatbot

Whether we like it or not, we are increasingly being directed to basic conversations with chatbots. The image above is taken from a discussion with ‘Bo’ who is the lovely chatbot that hosts discussions on the Differ system – students are encouraged to chat with other students on topics introduced by Bo. The aim being that it encourages greater online networking between students who may not normally meetup.

There are many sites providing information on what a chatbot is and how they may be used.

“At the most basic level, a chatbot is a computer program that simulates and processes human conversation (either written or spoken), allowing humans to interact with digital devices as if they were communicating with a real person. Chatbots can be as simple as rudimentary programs that answer a simple query with a single-line response, or as sophisticated as digital assistants that learn and evolve to deliver increasing levels of personalization as they gather and process information.”

Oracle – What is a Chatbot

The excellent Edubots Webinar Series is providing greater insight and a discussion forum for those investigating how chatbots may be used within Education environments. It also raises the interesting moral issues such as when it is appropriate for chatbots to provide emotional support.

If you are based at the University of Northampton and you’d like a little pilot with Bo ‘the chatbot’ then please contact

Those who are interested for more information can join the Introduction to Chatbots for Educators – online course and community

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