Posts by: achollo

I’ve known about this tool for a while, it was developed in the MS Lab, and it’s a free tool to create 360 panoramas and virtual tours. I’m using the iPhone app at the moment, testing it out. The stitching isn’t perfect, ideally I’d find someone with a fish-eye lens and a digital stills camera, but for a quick and easy 360 tour, Photosynth is pretty good. I’ve uploaded it to the Photosynth site and also embedded a panorama in my NILE training module. The School of Health wanted to look into posting up little tours of their facilities, so this might be of use. UoN marketing paid a company to produce virtual tours a while back but the cost was silly, they may try a use video to achieve the same effect.

This is my first effort, so the stitching is bit off but you get the idea.

Link to Photosynth 360 panorama


A couple of weeks ago lecturers from the School of Health and Information Services held a video conference call to colleagues in Malaysia. This was the first time we had all used Skype so I was nervous, but the call went perfectly. The audio was clear, the video sync’d to the speech and it was just like holding a normal conversation.


We also recorded the call using a Skype add-in called Vodburner which means the lecturers can look over the call and review the questions and issues raised.

Overall I was pleased with the way it went and I would encourage other tutors to try out Skype.

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Click on the link for an interesting case study from Kardi Somerfield in the Northampton Business School. If you are interested in trying out some of Kardi’s suggestions for NILE styling then get in touch with us.

Sticky NILE sites

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Click on the link for an interesting case study from John Page in the Nursing. If you are interested in trying out the ActivInspire Handheld Voting System then get in touch.

Case Study – Nursing

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Click on the link for an interesting case study from Annie Turner in the School of Health. If you are interested in trying out the digital voice recorders then get in touch

Case Study – Occupational Health and Voice Recorders

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