The next regional group meeting for those that are midlands based will be held at the University of Northampton (Park Campus) on Thursday 19th May 2011, 10-3pm. Having held several successful meetings during 2010 the midlands group aims to continue on a self funding basis for the foreseeable future. We look forward to seeing members old and new and the sign up sheet can be found:

Information about ELESIG

The ELESIG group is the Evaluation of Learners’ Experiences of e-learning Special Interest Group and is supported by the Higher Education Academy. ELESIG is an international community of researchers and practitioners from higher and further education who are involved in investigations of learners’ experiences and uses of technology in learning. ELESIG members work together to share knowledge and practice and develop a shared repertoire of resources which will be of benefit to the community and the sector ( Originally started as part of the small grants scheme the group is now self supporting as a regional group and continues to be coordinated by Dr. Gemma Towle and Mr. Rob Howe from The University of Northampton.

There has already been several regional meetings held during 2010 as well as a NING site and Twitter Feeds for regular updates. This meeting will take place at The University of Northampton on Thursday 19th May 2011 from 10am till 3pm. (Further details will be sent nearer to this date).

Places are limited and the closing date for the booking form will be Thursday 12th May.

Whilst the event is free, a charge may be raised for booked places which are not used. Lunch is not included so feel free to bring your own or there are facilities to purchase lunch on the campus. Tea and coffee is provided though!