The Learning Technology Team would like to say a very big thank you and many congratulations to the four members of academic staff who received a NILE Ultra Course Award at the University’s Learning and Teaching Awards ceremony on Thursday 6th July.

This year’s winners were:

  • Helen Caldwell & Joanne Barrow – EDUM074: International Perspectives on Education
  • Alison Power – MID1028: Scholarly Practice in Midwifery
  • Jodie Score – SLS1019: Introduction to Microbiology

The Ultra Course Awards recognise staff who have created excellent Ultra courses for their students, and each course submitted for an award was reviewed by a panel to ensure that it met the award criteria, which are that the course:

Nominations for the next round of Ultra Courses Awards will open in August 2023, and the winners will be announced at the 2024 UON Learning and Teaching Conference.

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