Currently viewing the category: "Conferences and Publications"

Online workshop: Introduction to Effective Distance Learning – Monday 11 April

by Helen Walmsley – Thursday, 17 March 2011, 04:04 PM

Online workshop: Introduction to Effective Online Distance Learning

Monday 11 April 09:00am – 17:00pm (BST) See your time here

Are you planning or reviewing your online distance learning provision? Would you like to explore ways of planning and designing the learning to save time, engage your students and be more effective? Would you like to reflect on a range of varied case studies and discuss them with other distance learning designers and tutors? There will also be chance to explore VLEs, social media tools, mobile technologies and test them out. This one-day workshop will include 3 sessions:

  • Introduction to Online Distance Learning – models and issues
  • Distance Learning case studies – a variety to explore, compare and review
  • Tools for Distance Learning – delivery, communication, assessment and collaboration tools

Each session will be delivered with a combination of live web-conferences, forum discussions, group tasks and experimentation.

This workshop is aimed at practitioners new to, or with limited experience of delivering distance learning online. There will be an e-buddy system and plenty of support over the day. The facilitators are experienced designers and deliverers of distance learning.

If you would like to book a place, please email Gill Marino The fee is £50 (free places available for staff and SURF associates)

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Open Educational Resources 2011 (OER11)
Manchester Conference Centre
11 – 13 May 2011

* * * Early bird bookings close Friday 25 March 2011* * *

OER11 takes place at the Manchester Conference Centre, in central
Manchester. Building on the success of OER10, the programme will consist
of a stimulating and engaging mix of over 70 refereed papers, workshops,
symposiums and demos all exploring and reflecting on the impact of OER on
HE within the conference themes.

Confirmed keynote speakers are: Martin Hall, Vice-Chancellor, University
of Salford; Diana Laurillard, Professor of Learning, London Knowledge Lab,
Institute of Education; and Bob Strunz, Chief Technical Architect, Irish
National Digital Learning Resources service.

Gordon Joyes and Angela Smallwood from University of Nottingham will be leading a discussion on the JISC funded e-portfolio implementation (ePI) study within the E-Portfolio Community of Practice in Cloudworks  on the 5th and 6th April.
All those who have an interest in e-portfolio implementation are encouraged to visit and contribute in Cloudworks during the 2 days. We will explore four key questions in relation to e-portfolio engagement within institutions that have arisen from the ePI study of large scale e-portfolio implementations. These are:

1.       Why should we expect practitioners and their institutions to engage with e-portfolios?

2.       Why is e-portfolio implementation not straightforward and why is it different to VLE implementation?

3.       What are the key factors for success for practitioners and for large-scale engagement with e-portfolios within an institution?

4.       How can the support of senior managers be gained?


Do you have a passion for mobile learning?

Come and join educators from across the county to raise awareness, share practice and build a community

Educators at all levels are taking advantage of the increasing ubiquity and capabilities of mobile devices and the opportunities they can create for student engagement and flexible, personalised and contextual learning. Devices like smartphones, tablets and handheld video cameras are being used in creative ways to open up the classroom and lecture theatre, as well as enabling staff development and research.

The Northants Mobile Conference is being hosted by the University, in partnership with Northampton College, MoleNET and the Northants Better Learning using Technologies (BLT) network. The event will include contributions from staff implementing mobile learning at all levels, from primary to higher education. If you have experience of using mobile technology for learning and teaching and you’d like to share your ideas, let us know on the sign-up form.

  • When: 26 May 2011, 2-6 pm
  • Where: The University of Northampton, Boughton Green Road

Sign up for the conference

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The Learning Future Festival will be taking place from the 13-15 April. This will be a 48 hour non-stop conference over three time zones. The TIGER project will be contributing on Thursday 14th April.