Smart Table


The LearnTech team have arranged for a Smart Table to be demonstrated on the 10th February in the Park Library Tpod between 11am and 2pm.

If you would like to attend between these times then please signup


“The SMART Table is predominantly designed for the Early Years and Primary Market, hence the vast majority of Apps and software is aimed at these segments. The Table is used by the NHS, in libraries and museums, but again, the content is very much the same as what is available now.

Outside of the SMART Table content, the Table is in effect a Windows 7 dual touch PC and in this mode can be used in the same way as any PC ’

In addition to the above we will also have a CleverTouch Fusion Table on loan between 8 – 15th April and will be running further events around this. Please indicate when you would like to see this table by completing the signup form

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