At the University of Northampton, we’re committed to creating an inclusive learning environment for all students. As part of this commitment, we’re happy to celebrate the Anthology Fix Your Content Day on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024. This 24-hour event is designed to create more accessible and inclusive digital learning content using Blackboard Ally. So, why not join us in making NILE more accessible?

How do I get involved?

If you’d like to take part, simply email your Learning Technologist with the code of your NILE module. On the morning of October 3rd, email them a screenshot of your current Ally Accessibility score, then spend the day making improvements to your module content. By 8 PM, submit another screenshot of your final Ally score and you might just get a special mention in Unify, along with the satisfaction of knowing you’ve created a more accessible learning environment for your students.

In previous years, tutors like Jean Edwards and Charlotte Dann embraced this challenge and made fantastic progress using the Ally module accessibility reports to guide their changes. Their work helped create more inclusive NILE modules, making a real difference for their students.

What do I need to do on October 3rd?
Here’s a guide to getting involved in the Anthology Fix Your Content Day 2024:

  1. Use this guide to find your Module-Level Ally score and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Use Blackboard Ally to assess the accessibility of your materials. Ally provides feedback and suggests improvements, helping you prioritise changes that will have the greatest impact.
  3. Review Your Documents: Ensure that your PDFs, Word documents, and presentations use clear headings and tags that can be easily navigated by screen readers.
  4. Add Alt Text to Images: Include descriptive alt text for any images in your materials. This ensures that students using screen readers can engage with the visual content.
  5. Check your Captions: Accurate captions support not just students with hearing impairments, but also those studying in noisy environments or those who are non-native English speakers.

We hope you’ll join us on October 3rd and make NILE more accessible. However, even if you can’t engage on the day, consider trying something new this semester – whether that’s adding clearer captions, using shorter filenames, or creating an Ultra document. Even small improvements can significantly transform the learning experience for all students.

Contact your Learning Technologist if you have any questions.

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