The new/improved features outlined below are available from Saturday 7th September 2024.

Inline Knowledge Check questions within documents

Building on last month’s new layout options within an Ultra document, instructors will now be able to add multiple choice and multiple answer questions directly to a document and include automated feedback for students.

Students receive immediate feedback on whether their answer is correct and can submit an unlimited number of attempts.

Instructors can keep an eye on student participation via detailed metrics, including:

  • Number of students participating
  • Total number of attempts
  • Average number of attempts to reach the correct answer
  • Maximum number of attempts to reach the correct answer
  • Level of difficulty metric
  • Percentage of students selecting each answer option
Location of Knowledge check option within an Ultra document
Student view of Knowledge Check
Instructor view of the knowledge check results

More information about Knowledge Checks in Blackboard Learn can be found here:

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Course content page enhancements

There have been design changes to elements, colours, and layout of the course contents page. Most notably, the details and actions menu can now be found on the right hand side when viewing with a large screen.

Course content page layout changes

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Gradebook overview improvements

A new indicator has been added that appears next to the gradebook heading in the course menu when there are new submissions available to grade. An overview page will now show a summary of those items which need grading or are yet to be posted.

The gradebook indicator in the course menu will show a figure up to 99. When 100 submissions or more are reached, it will display 99+
The Overview page has two sections; one for submissions that have not been graded and another for grades that have not been posted.

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Enhanced Student Activity Log

Student activity has been upgraded to report on various interactions in great detail. Instructors will be able to view student actions within the course over the past 140 days. Any information older than that won’t be stored. The log can take up to 20 minutes to update from the last time a student performs an action.

The student activity log can be filtered by date and event type and shows each item which has been accessed.

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Wiris and math editor update

The Wiris engine and equation editor has been updated to improve performance, in particular the rendering of subscript and superscript formulas.

Example of a formula before the update
Example of a formula after the update

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More information

Please get in touch with your learning technologist if you would like any more information or support using the new features available in this month’s upgrade: Who is my learning technologist?