Graham Mitchell presented a very personal view of electronic marking, emphasizing that it worked for him but accepting that there are a range of other opinions.

While there are some issues with sitting at a computer for extended periods, especially with a laptop or single screen that can make  the process unpleasant, it is possible to save time.

Graham’s solution is based around a Word document which is used as a template and includes a marking rubric and commonly used comments. Graham’s presentation explains the process in detail.   Each assignment has a unique format that is assembled when the assignment is set, which provides an excellent check on whether the assignment covers all the learning objectives required.

It is clear that students prefer detailed feedback and the response from Graham’s students, at least, has been very positive.   Julia Brydon’s experience with audio marking using Turnitin’s Gradecentre would seem to confirm this.

Electronic marking tools are constantly improving in Turnitin and NILE to simplify the process and – combining this with the use of rubrics – can greatly improve the workflow.

If you have had a miserable marking experience this year, consider attending a LearnTech training session to reduce the pain next year. More details at:


Presentation 15th May 2013: Video (opens in new page)

Presentation 15th May 2013: PDF version of Powerpoint slides

(You may find it useful to look at the PDF file while watching the video as the slides are easier to read)